Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Corn, Other Grains, etc.-Reintroduction "days"

This reintroduction was not as successful. In my effort to live a somewhat normal life, I often find myself in social settings with food. IMAGINE! Sunday was supposed to be my official reintro of these foods. I went ahead and had some corn tortilla chips Sat. night at family taco night. I also might have had two handfuls of potato chips. They are my Sirens. Dang you, potato chips. I had to physically remove myself from the room.

I wasn't much hungry on Sunday, so I noshed on whole foods, but didn't really feel like prepping a big meal...then found myself at a pot luck that evening. Once again, I had some corn tortilla chips. Everything else I ate was pretty compliant, as I was fortunate that there was lots of salad and some chicken salad. It's just not feasible to eliminate ALL vegetable oils from life. Most people are not going to make their own mayonnaise for their pot-luck chicken salad.
Finally, Monday, I had some corn chips with my taco salad for lunch and some yellow rice at dinner. Not sure if there's any reaction. Again, I think it's true that foods like rice, corn, pasta, bread, etc. tend to push veggies off the plate. Those are what I WANT. It's for that reason I need to limit or eliminate them. That becomes all I want because of the high-carby-ness (food without brakes). For overall health, I should probably avoid starches/grains about 90-95% of the time.

Impressions on "day 40":
I had hoped that doing the Whole 30 would help me tame my compulsive eating. I think that it has helped me to look at food somewhat differently. I like the way I feel with no/little sugar. But none of that knowledge seems to be enough to make me NEVER want sugar or no-no-foods again. I can see life without bread and pasta and rice...I'm just going to roll with meat and veggies as my M.O. and take curveballs best I can. Something about a social buffet that is a challenge for me. Everyone else seems to be enjoying their food without a mental storm calculating vegetable oil content, sugar, etc. And I get that "it's just not fair!!!" voice in my head. No, it's not. But lots of people deal with far worse issues in life.

I would like to think I could do Whole 30 every day. But I think I would become like a sheltered teenager let loose on the world...and at some point go crazy. Right now, my mindset is to find the BEST food I can in any given situation, whether I end up at a fast food joint, a potluck dinner, or just staring into my fridge. Start with salad/veggies. Add in some meat. Have some fruit. A handful of nuts. Then I should be satiated.

I find that life on the other side of a whole 30 food challenge is still a challenge.  :)

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