Friday, October 11, 2013

Gluten Reintroduction Day

Yesterday was a day I had been dreaming about. Sweet, perfect gluten. I am a breadaholic. Truly. Jesus said something about our not living by bread alone. And if I didn't believe in Him so much, I'd almost think he was lying. 'Cause bread and butter together=kingdom of heaven.

Reintroduction includes the food at each meal. I went whole-hog, not necessarily whole-grain. I started with a chocolate croissant and a top of the day muffin (with some eggs and strawberries). I couldn't decide between the two. Top of the day muffin has some semblance of healthy with whole wheat, raisins, carrots, dates, etc. But chocolate croissant...well, it inspires me to write haiku. Fo' realz.

I bought some crusty bread and some vegetable soup for lunch. One of the whole 30/paleo "things" is that proponents maintain that eating grains often pushes vegetables off your plate. Yes. It's true. One I heated up some slices of European crusty bread and spread them with sweet, creamy butter, I couldn't have cared less about that dang soup. More bread, please.

About that time of the day, I noticed sharp, stabby pains in my hands. They are usually sore & stiff in the morning, but get better and better all day. I had done NOTHING to cause pain (lifting, squeezing, etc.) and had even been at my keyboard less than usual. My stomach was fine, but I was definitely experiencing some soreness and pain that was unusual.

I decided to have gluten-gluttony (GLUTTONY!) for the rest of the dang day, as by this point it was fairly obvious that this bread-lover is relegated to a fairly gluten-free life. We made real spaghetti and the rest of the crusty bread for dinner with salad. Then I topped it off with two chocolate chip cookies later. I had forgotten how much I love chocolate chip cookies.

Now, writing this on Friday morning, I have woken up today with my right hand puffy. I mean, not crazy-puffy, but I can tell. I was, however, able to get into pants today that haven't fit since before Shepard was born. My perfect bread is not worth pain and bloat and an expanding waistline. I now join the ranks of the gluten-free. Thankfully, they are making products that help with that, provided I don't have corn and rice issues. We'll intro those fully on Sunday-ish. I hate, hate, hate to be that "special" girl with more food issues. I'd rather just eat whatever. But, I think I need to give this a full-on year or so and see what happens with my body. I think I already know that answer. Sigh. Who wants to sponsor my order of coconut flour?

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