Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day Twenty-Five

Twenty-five days is a long time. In the past, I've tried to cut out dairy only to make it to lunchtime. So, I'm pretty impressed with myself. I think I like hard and fast rules versus "doing better." I need quantification. I'm thinking a lot about what life looks like next week and the week after. How to incorporate what I've learned into beyond-whole-30-life. I am a really good justifier, so I will still have to have some pretty hard/fast rules. And I will need to find some sort of replacement for tortillas and pizza crust. Fortuntely, lots of really good cooks have lots of blogs with recipes, so I've been collecting these over at my pinterest page.


  • spinach + eggs; grapes=breakfast is exciting! (waaa waaa) Breakfast makes me want to hit people.
  • Leftover baked chicken tenders + green salad with mandarins and almonds
  • Cashews
  • Husband pulled through with random assortment of dinner items and made a kickin' vegetable soup. We didn't have many of the traditional veggie soup veggies, but it was still yummy and chock full o' goodness. He still laments his usual additions of Worchestershire and Sriracha sauces (sugar), and doesn't feel like he's doing his best work without them. I think those are things I can add back after whole 30. The size of the serving there is minimal.


I think I'm not experiencing the magical deep sleep because I'm already a pretty magical deep-sleeper. I have no trouble going to sleep and staying asleep on any given night. (provided I'm not awakened by a critter) I have been known to sleep through tornado-spawning storms, trees falling, people yelling, etc. I can report that I wake up better. I don't feel so sluggish and downright dead immediately. Some of the results and symptoms people describe on a Whole 30 program have not really happened to me. Some folks describe a "carb flu" when your body reacts to not having carbs on about day 4 and you feel kind of sick and flu-ish. I think my body has been very happy overall. I even found a few minutes to do some pilates exercises last night. Little guy was playing superhero, so I was doing my "superhero exercises." He seemed somewhat unconvinced, but I told him it was making me stronger and periodically joined him in saving the world from the evil queen at the museum. Hard to say if depression is at bay or not. I continue to take my medication for now. It keeps me even. That might be something to look into down the road. Joint pain is still present. Have some things I will tinker with on a dietary level in a few weeks. Though I think it also takes more than just 25 days to really detox 25 years of less-than-optimal food choices. Keeping at it. I'm tired of listing my medicine cabinet whenever I have to tell a doc what I'm on! Some folks report no asthma symptoms either. Wouldn't that be awesome!?

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