Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day Five. (Wednesday)

I'm not 100% sure what day it is. All I know is that I wanted to go back to bed pretty much every minute of today. I prayed that Shepard would be extra-sleepy and want to go to bed at 8, because I did. He didn't. Yawn.

In the good news arena, getting up an hour earlier in general helps me to get ready for the day. I can cook breakfast and sit and eat it (what is that?), start some laundry, wipe down a counter, etc. In the bad news arena, there aren't enough hours in the day. But that really has nothing to do with my food, does it?

Impressions: I didn't have time to crave anything today. Except subs. I want a giant sub like NOW. In some ways, this program is almost a 40-day program, in that on day 31, you don't just go crazy. That misses the point. On day 31, you add in some dairy and see how you feel. On about day 34, you add in some gluten, on day 37, you add in other grains--corn and rice; and on day 40, you add in legumes (soy, peanuts, beans). So, I have to look at this longer-term. I really do want to get to the bottom of some health issues.
I'm not getting the magical deep sleep yet. I'm supposed to turn a corner around day 8.
Breakfast on a blue plate.

  • Bacon with eggs & spinach and kale--paprika. These were sooo much better than the day before. Strawberries. Put it on a blue plate to feel a bit more peppy about the colors. You do what you have to do.
  • Popped a few grapes when I got to work.
  • Lunch was leftover spaghetti squash "spaghetti."
  • Was really, really hungry by dinner time. When we both got home, it was about 5:45, so the grilling chicken plan went out the window, and we did a lean steak with peppers and onions and a big salad. I just could not wait an hour on the chicken and sweet potato situation. Cashews tided me over. It was all I could do NOT to reach into the bag of kettle chips on the counter. Just keep walking, just keep walking. We'll do chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli Friday night. It will be like Friday night take-out, only...not.

 Surprises: Tired. But probably not because of my food. Wanted an uptick in energy. Will have to figure out a way to get more exercise. Am parking far away from everything and trying to move more, but unless I exercise at 10 pm, not sure when that's happening.

Not my best cooking moment, but it got the job done.

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