Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome. What's this?

I just had to come up with a title for this little blogette. I'm not sure how long I'll be blogging here, but I'm about to undertake a monumental thing. And I can't afford therapy. So, I'll be writing (and possibly moaning and groaning) about it here.

Here are some alternate titles I kicked around:

  • Kicking and Screaming
  • I Had Almost Rather Die
  • It's Dairy Sad when Wheat is Bad
  • Pizza is my REAL BFF
  • A Journey to Middle of My Body
  • Whole lot of nothing
These titles didn't quite have the ring, though.

I am about to undertake the Whole 30 food challenge. Here's a linky for more info on it.

Basically, it's eating whole foods for 30 days. dairy, grains, legumes, alcohol or potatoes. And soy, peanuts, MSG, and basically anything processed.

Doesn't THAT sound like a rip-roaring good time!?

So, here I am.

Dreading it. But there are some very real reasons to do this thing. More on that soon.

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