Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Days Eighteen & Nineteen (Tuesday/Wednesday)

Trying to keep record of each day is like trying to pin down a housefly. The darn things just move so fast!  It is interesting to see what my eating triggers are...not that I'm surprised by any of them, but just interesting to see what my brain is doing in the midst of this.

I am highly motivated at lunchtime by food that is already prepared. I don't want to do much more than toss a salad or reheat in the microwave on my lunch break. Pre-prepared food is a little tough on this program, since I am the original preparer of most of it. We generally survive the mid-week madness with the help of some of our tried and true "heat and eats" (as my friends Carmen and Jonathan call them). A heat and eat would be something like a bag of prepared chicken bites with orange sauce that we just have to make a quick fried rice and broccoli to accompany. The whole thing takes less than 30 minutes. Since little man comes home from school ready to eat every carb he sees, 30-minute meals are ideal. This program is a LOT more intensive in the food prep and purchasing department. I have to drop by a grocery store at least every 3-4 days to keep my produce up and running. You can't bulk-buy bananas to last you two weeks! In addition to the chef I've hired in my head, I now am considering a personal produce shopper (not really. but kind of.). All of this seems to be the reason for my fast-food lunches. I'm hungry. Someone else cooked it. Boom. Done. No thinking. I have to focus on making my own "fast food" in the sense of always making enough dinner for leftovers or cooking extra on the weekends. If I have something good available, I won't transgress in a drive-thru line.


  • Salsa eggs. I'm out of spinach. I need to get some spinach.
  • Tuesday I gobbled up the last of my chicken salad with a green salad while trying to prep dinner (on lunch break).
  • Well, once again, we realized why Husband cooks more often. My cilantro-lime baked chicken was a little heavy on the lime (tangy!). With broccoli and wilted greens with a slice of bacon. The good news is, Little Man wasn't a fan of the chicken, but ate about a cup of broccoli. This would have been ever so much better with some rice to temper the strong flavors.
My breakfast is the eggs every day.


  • Pepper and onion eggs. I still need some spinach. Those are the best. And some baked bacon. So much less greasy and crispier. (or is that "crisper?" I don't know.)
  • Cherry Larabar since the eggs disappeared around 11 am.
  • Exhibit "A" on why I need to make my own fast food. So hungry after a full morning of campus touring. Ended up with an apple-walnut salad and a quick grilled burger with dijon. I don't care for hamburgers unless there's a bun involved. Not my fave texture.
  • Pistachios and a banana while waiting for dinner. I am totes hungry by dinner time.
  • Dinner was all about redeeming that lime-tastic chicken. We made fajitas with the rest of it and added peppers and onions with a side of salsa and guacamole. Much, much better on Wednesday.
    Fajitas are a KEEPER. Husband's tortillas looked GOOD.


The magical deep sleep that many people report on whole 30 has not really happened to me. I think I just need more overall. Food will not help or hinder that. Feeling a little sluggish just from life. Looking up recipes all the time, but hopefully will get more in my recipe arsenal so this isn't hard forever.


I don't think I'm really craving things in the true sense of craving. The guys made a pizza the other night, and while I definitely wanted some, I didn't feel desperate to have some. I'm going with progress on that front. Also, good cashews are crazy expensive. You'd think they were surrounded by some sort of poison in the giant pod...oh, wait.

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