Monday, September 23, 2013

Day Seventeen. (Monday)

Did you enjoy yesterday's Bon Jovi sing along? 'Cause I did. Today, I kind of feel like playing some "Rocky" theme song. I am kickin' this whole 30 thing in the TEETH. Boo ya. And stuff. Still trying to reconcile the fact that I know in my knower that I feel much better. It doesn't seem to take me until 10 am to wake up mentally. But the rub lies in the fact that in my food-craver, I still dream about October 10th, when I am able to eat a slice of pizza. Yes, the date is marked on the calendar. Me and Papa John or somebody are going to have a party. And I'm guessing that after 34 or so days with no wheat, it might make me sick. And then I get sad. Roller coaster. I probably shouldn't be obsessing about what I can have on October 10. I should probably get thinking about what we're having for dinner, say...tonight, since I have no plan for that. EarthFare is running specials on all kinds of food I don't like lately, like kombucha and lobster tails. What up, EarthFare? How about some pastured beef? Hmmm? Help a sister out.

So yeah. My meal-planner seems to be broken. I need to call out a repairman. The problem with meal planning isn't so much the planning as the execution. I mean, I have to go to a store on my lunch break, hunt for things, and then make food. My success rate on new things is pretty low, so I am usually disappointed. Also, we are usually famished by the time the meal is ready. And Shepard is full of pretzels, because he just can't wait. Bless him. Clearly, the solution here is to hire a chef.


  • Some eggs. With spinach and green onions. And some grapes. One day I'll branch out, but these are fairly fast and easy.
  • CHICKEN SALAD (recipe)! This is a recipe I've been making for years, and all I had to do was make some mayo so it would work. Ate it with a green salad. Do note, this chicken salad is good when you make it, but the magical curry morphs it overnight into a thing of beauty.
  • Had a banana and almonds, because I can barely make it to 6 pm without some true hunger.
  • Leftover spaghetti squash and marinara/meat sauce. (While husband and little man had pizza! The smell.)


This whole thing is supposed to break food addictions. Even though I wouldn't classify my food thoughts as true cravings, I do think a lot about sharp cheddar and other no-no's. I don't think there's a magic button that will turn that off. I don't lunge at cupcakes, but then, I never have. I am not allowed to get near potato chips (maybe ever), and I really really want some chips and salsa. So, I'm not sure if it's working on my brain. I just have to keep telling myself that after this, I can maintain about an 85-90% paleo eating plan and have one day when I eat some things I miss. Keeping it in a one-day limit should set some firm boundaries for me. And still, need to have my pizza with a large side salad. Also, need to find a portable salad dressing container, 'cause I am not eating commercial salad dressing. (and as soon as I write that, I think longingly of really good blue cheese dressing...sigh)

There was homemade pumpkin dip with graham crackers and 'nilla wafers at small group tonight. And I had water. Cue Rocky theme.

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